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"Diamond Bob" Hunt goin' Synthophonatical !

Quite possibly the longest word in the Synthophonocabulary.

As there is only one Synthophonamentorguru, there is also only one Synthophonamentorguruapprentice.

His name is Bob Hunt and he resisides in the mystical land of
Kala – Mazoo.  He is “the guy to go to when the guy to go to ... is gone” (Synthophonirvahna).

He is held in high esteem by all Synthophonatics because of his passion
for all things Synthophonic and his dedication to Synthophonopromotion.


Since the Synthophone is not limited by space and time,
this story was written in the early part of the 17th century
(before the “invention” of the Synthophone in 20th century).
It is believed to be the inspiration for a well known children’s story.


A Short Story by Yoono Hoo.

       Once upon a time, in Berne Switzerland, there lived a man named Geppetto Hurni.  Geppetto was a craftsman
and maker of fine musical instruments.  He made a saxophone that he loved very much.  He named his saxophone Synthophonocchio.

     Synthophonocchio loved his father and helped him every day doing chores at his father’s workshop.  Synthophonocchio had always wanted to be a Synthophone.

     To make a long story short, because he was so good at heart and had learned life’s lessons so well, the
MIDI Fairy turned him into a Synthophone.  And we all lived happily ever after.

The End

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