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Synthophonite: | This material can be harmful to the
Synthophone. It is similar to the affect created by Kryptonite
toward Superman. It is thought to come from the planet formerly
known as Synthophona. This massive planet was the largest in our
solar system. When it exploded, smaller pieces of it survived. The
largest of those pieces was named Pluto. Since the fact that Synthophona once existed has been discovered, scientists have agreed
that Pluto should no longer be considered a planet.
Superman uses lead to shield himself from the affects of Kryptonite
and Synthophonists use a material known as Furmanite. |
Synthophonunderstudy: | A person who has recently acquired a Synthophone & posted for the first time on the Synthophone forum, has taken the step to become a Synthophonunderstudy. The initial phase of Synthophonunderstudyism only lasts approximately 10 to 15 minutes & the player then becomes a Synthophonatic. ALL Synthophonatics still retain the position of Synthophonunderstudy (even the Synthophonamentorguru) for life, since there is so much to learn. | |
Synthophonynergy: | The synergy of things Synthophonic. ie. Things Synthophonic, are always greater than the sum of it’s individual parts. This is the result of the energy produced by individual Synthophonatics merging with each other’s, and producing even greater Synthophonitty. | |
The title held by Synthophonist: Randy
Felts. Randy has been honored with this esteemed position, because
of his great contributions to the development of the Synthophone. Working in the background with Martin Hurni, Randy was the “sounding board” providing “Synthophonatweaks” for the Synthophone as it is today. This little known fact was brought to our attention by the Synthophonamentorguru, since Randy is too humble to “ blow his own Synthophone !! " We are indeed indebted to Randy for his efforts. |
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