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  Synthophonoscaraward: The highest honor bestowed upon a Synthophonist by his peers.  Only one has been given to date.  It was humbly accepted by the Synthophonamentorguru
on August 29, 2006.
  Synthophonulitzerprize: The award for Synthophonic literary excellence.
  Synthophonawards: are universal (not international) awards.  The ceremonies are held in all existing times, space and dimensions since it was discovered that Synthophonism transcends all things sensual and the normal planes of existence.

Bob Hunt's black Synthophone -- Kali


Astrophysicists have recently discovered the “substance of black holes” and named it Synthophonium.  This is the “heaviest element ever encountered by man”, said Steven Hawkings in a recent interview.

It is believed that Synthophonium, because of its gravity and density, will eventually attract everything that exists, and that the entire universe will eventually become Synthophonic!

What a joy this is to Synthophonists who knew, all along, that the Synthophone was “heavy”!!  Imagine a Synthophonic world!!  No wars, hunger, crime or even death!  Everyone working for the common goal ie. Synthophonitty.


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    copyright © 2006 Mick Emery