The SYNTHOPHONE data can be sequenced much like any keyboard, but it sends out much more MIDI data and will therefore fill up any small sequencer memory in a matter of seconds, if you do not observe the following rules: |
- Disable all continuous controllers, when not needed. - If dynamics are not critical, set volume to a higher level - less data is generated. |
In general, computer based sequencers have bigger memories than dedicated hardware sequencers. Some can filter out unnecessary data even after recording tracks. Check out the editing possibilities before you buy. |
When doing multi-tracking in MIDI, you will notice that your sequencer not only will fill up fairly quickly, but not replay more than 2 or 3 tracks without "choking." Remember that the SYNTHOPHONE sends out volume data. Two tracks on the same MIDI channel will probably try to send out different volume information at the same time and your synthesizer will get confused. |
Keep each track on a separate MIDI channel and use either multiple synthesizers or multi-timbre synthesizers, that receive on several channels at once. Even then MIDI may be overloaded by mixing several tracks to one MIDI output. Use if necessary, a multipart MIDI interface with your computer and hook up each individual synthesizer to a separate MIDI port, to avoid overloaded MIDI transmission. |