Your synthesizer can be programmed to produce vibrato. The lip pressure applied to the reed on your mouthpiece controls the intensity of the vibrato much like a MOD WHEEL on a MIDI keyboard. On the SYNTHOPHONE, six intensity levels are available for variable vibrato control from your reed.
- side-Bb, D & press Eb increases MOD level +1
- side-Bb, D & press C decreases MOD level -1
- side-Bb, D & press Eb/C resets MOD to level 0
level 5 full range modulation control
level 4 1/2 range modulation control
level 3 1/4 range modulation control
level 2 1/8 range modulation control
level 1 1/16 range modulation control
level 0 no modulation control
The panic function resets modulation control
to level 2.

M U S I C A L   A P P L I C A T I O N S 
- If you play a sound that does not need any vibrato, set modulation to level 0.
- If you need a more intensive vibrato, increase the modulation level and engage it using your lip pressure.