Every 'note on' command has its associated velocity value that represents the speed the
key that has just been depressed. For MIDI wind
controllers this value is much less meaningful than for keyboards, as woodwind tones typically continue to develop their contours long after their
attack phase.
However, most synthesizer 'factory' sounds are programmed to depend heavily on velocity levels for variation and therefore there is
an interest in being able to adjust the velocity values of the SYNTHOPHONE output to a specific range that works best with a given sound. |
To adjust to a specific velocity level, use the fingerings below: |
-low D, E, F & side-Bb & C |
decreases the velocity level |
-low D, E, F & side-Bb & Eb |
increases the velocity level |
-low D, E, F & side-Bb & Eb/C |
resets to the highest vel. lvl |